There are several ways to purchase a ticket. The quickest and most efficient way is online. Simply find the concert you wish to attend and click on Buy Tickets Now. You will be redirected automatically to our secure online storefront hosted by From there, you may complete your purchase by credit card. You may choose your seat online, print your tickets at home, have them held at Will Call, or have them mailed to you.
You may also leave a message requesting a return call for tickets on our business phone line 828-884-4221. Calls are returned within two working days.
*Occasionally, patrons have difficulty with the purchase online. This can be due to browsers, cookies, firewalls, etc. If you ordered online and did not get an email/receipt, we do not have your order. Please call Dusty at 828-329-3651.
Dusty Campbell is our Executive Director. She would love to talk to you. If you call her, she will get back to you as soon as she can. Her cell phone number is 828-329-3651. Her email is [email protected].