Honor your loved one by donating to Brevard Philharmonic in their name.
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In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Bobbie Jean & Charles Whitmire
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Poo Cabe
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: John Austin
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Robert and Sandra Purcell
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Mike & Laura Maloney and Alexa & Carter Smith
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Toby Lindsay
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Susan & Tom Mitchell
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Richard Bir
In memory of:
Gloria Sanders
Tribute by: Charlie Steele
In memory of:
Gloria Allison Sanders
Tribute by: Christine Braddock
In memory of:
Gloria Allison Sanders
Tribute by: David Campbell
In memory of:
Gloria Allison Sanders
Tribute by: Jan and Randy Greene
In memory of:
Edith Gloria Allison Sanders
Tribute by: Margaret Wentzky
In honor of:
Auntie Jan and Uncle Doug
In loving memory of Auntie Jan and in honor of Uncle Doug from the Kaylor Family
Tribute by: Kaylor Family
In memory of:
Jan Hart
In loving memory of Jan Hart, a very dear and special friend.
Tribute by: Nancy and Joseph DePippo
In honor of:
Karla Atkinson
For her many years of volunteer work to keep the Philharmonic a viable entity in our lives.
Tribute by: Geri & Bill Hambley
In memory of:
Jan Hart
Tribute by: Carole and Ted Futrelle
In memory of:
Jan Hart
Tribute by: Gypsy Richardson
In honor of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: Jan and Doug Hart
In memory of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: Renee Bresler and Wayne Steifle
In memory of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: A board member
In honor of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: Kristine Candler
In memory of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: Joan Barham
In memory of:
Stephen Lynn McNabb
In memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb
Tribute by: Gypsy Richardson
In memory of:
Flash, the Basset Hound
In memory of Flash, the Basset Hound
Tribute by: Gene & Ann Klimstra
In memory of:
David Goodman
In memory of David Goodman
Tribute by: Jacolyn Campbell
In memory of:
Lorraine Fink
In memory of Lorraine Fink
Tribute by: Frank & Kay Borkowski
In honor of:
Doug and Jan Hart
Tribute by: John and Carolyn McCoy
In honor of:
Dusty Campbell
Without Dusty, the Brevard Philharmonic would not survive as well as it has.
Tribute by: Isabel Richardson
In honor of:
Dusty Campbell
Dusty’s undying loyalty and commitment to the Brevard Philharmonic have been critical to its growth and contribution to the community.
Tribute by: Jan and Doug Hart
In honor of:
Jinks Ramsey
Tribute by: Mary Beth Shumate
In honor of:
You've been my best cheerleader for more than 55 years now! Remembering our wonderful life together of so many adventures!!
Tribute by: Pet
In memory of:
Lorraine Julie Fink
We only met Lorraine a handful of times, but she was a lovely woman and clearly a gifted musician and teacher.
Tribute by: Betsy and Jim Harvey
In memory of:
Lorraine Julie Fink
A very talented violinist and teacher.
Tribute by: The Philip H. Fink family
In honor of:
Sherry Brooks, Sister
I wish to honor my sister Sherry Brooks, who always looks out for me and is always there to help.
Tribute by: Gypsy Richardson
In honor of:
Gail Meyers
Gail and her Husband have adopted me and are always looking out for me.
Tribute by: Gypsy Richardson
In memory of:
Virginia Tillotson
In memory of Ginny/Tillie, who gave me so much.
Tribute by: Janice Kimball
In honor of:
Jan Hart
She is and has been an inspiration to me since I met her.
Tribute by: Isabel Richardson
In memory of:
Joan Yarbrough
In memory of Joan Yarbrough, Past Board President. Joan worked tirelessly to bring the Brevard Philharmonic to the next level of greatness.
Tribute by: Renee Bresler
In honor of:
Marilyn Compton
Tribute by: Carolyn Miller
In honor of:
Mary Douglass Kimble
Tribute by: Carolyn Miller
In memory of:
The Late Lin Kolb
In honor of my late wife Lin Kolb, who loved the Brevard Philharmonic.
Tribute by: Ken Kolb
In honor of:
Jan Hart
Jan contributes so much love and goodness to the world. All who know her are so very fortunate to have this precious person grace their path.
Tribute by: Dusty Campbell