Brevard Philharmonic Tribute Wall

Honor your loved one by donating to Brevard Philharmonic in their name. 
To post your message click donate and add your message along with your gift of $50 or more. 

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Allison Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Allison Sanders

In memory of: 
Gloria Allison Sanders

In memory of: 
Edith Gloria Allison Sanders

In honor of: 
Auntie Jan and Uncle Doug

In loving memory of Auntie Jan and in honor of Uncle Doug from the Kaylor Family

In memory of: 
Jan Hart

In loving memory of Jan Hart, a very dear and special friend.

In honor of: 
Karla Atkinson

For her many years of volunteer work to keep the Philharmonic a viable entity in our lives.

In memory of: 
Jan Hart

In memory of: 
Jan Hart

In honor of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In honor of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In Memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of: 
Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of Stephen Lynn McNabb

In memory of: 
Flash, the Basset Hound

In memory of Flash, the Basset Hound

In memory of: 
David Goodman

In memory of David Goodman

In memory of: 
Lorraine Fink

In memory of Lorraine Fink

In honor of: 
Doug and Jan Hart

In honor of: 
Dusty Campbell

Without Dusty, the Brevard Philharmonic would not survive as well as it has.

In honor of: 
Dusty Campbell

Dusty’s undying loyalty and commitment to the Brevard Philharmonic have been critical to its growth and contribution to the community.

In honor of: 
Jinks Ramsey

In honor of: 

You've been my best cheerleader for more than 55 years now! Remembering our wonderful life together of so many adventures!!

In memory of: 
Lorraine Julie Fink

We only met Lorraine a handful of times, but she was a lovely woman and clearly a gifted musician and teacher.

In memory of: 
Lorraine Julie Fink

A very talented violinist and teacher.

In honor of: 
Sherry Brooks, Sister

I wish to honor my sister Sherry Brooks, who always looks out for me and is always there to help.

In honor of: 
Gail Meyers

Gail and her Husband have adopted me and are always looking out for me.

In memory of: 
Virginia Tillotson

In memory of Ginny/Tillie, who gave me so much.

In honor of: 
Jan Hart

She is and has been an inspiration to me since I met her.

In memory of: 
Joan Yarbrough

In memory of Joan Yarbrough, Past Board President. Joan worked tirelessly to bring the Brevard Philharmonic to the next level of greatness.

In honor of: 
Marilyn Compton

In honor of: 
Mary Douglass Kimble

In memory of: 
The Late Lin Kolb

In honor of my late wife Lin Kolb, who loved the Brevard Philharmonic.

In honor of: 
Jan Hart

Jan contributes so much love and goodness to the world. All who know her are so very fortunate to have this precious person grace their path.
